Monday, February 11, 2008

monserate preserve / RISK

rosie and i met at the monserate preserve to photograph the plant resurrection after the october fires. monserate preserve is across from the pala mesa golf course east of fallbrook and I-15. a great place to hike a 5 mile loop steep trail. but at 6:21 am, i was only interested in photographing the wild cucumber twining over the blackened rocks and branches. wild cucumber is everywhere this year. fire + rain seems to be a magical combination for this plant. later, we'll collect the seeds to make necklaces. we also photographed some of the new growth we know are wildflowers—the blue dicks/wild hyacinth, and other plants i'lll have to return to identify once they flower.

after our hands were too cold to photograph any longer, we headed down the 76 to bonsall. i wanted to show rosie and joe morteros along the san luis rey river. the river is infested with arundo donax, and invasive non-native that soon will be undergoing further eradication. we noted the donax, and noticed the paintballers who use the bridge as a target. the graffiti artists materials were strewn here and there as well, but their mural is impressive. RISK. probably in more ways than i can imagine.

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